IsraelĀ and SAN FRANCISCO, May 31, 2018 /PRNewswire/ --- Mantis Vision, a leading provider of the most advanced technology for 3D volumetric acquisition and 3D scanning technologies, announces today of a strategic partnership with Chinese electronics company, Xiaomi. As part of the collaboration, Xiaomi will integrate a 3D camera, operated by Mantis Vision, as the 3D front camera in the company's flagship device Mi8, which was announced early today by Xioami and by Mantis Vision at Augmented World Expo (AWE) in Santa Clara California. Xiomi's new Mi8 flagship device is the world's first Android device with integrated 3D imaging and scanning capabilities. Mantis Vision's technology will enable these capabilities in Android devices for the first time ever, which will allow to scan face scanning and recognition, face 3D capturing for a secure ePayment and other features that have so far only been available with 2D image analysis software.
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