Jungle Book Cartoon Full Movie Rating: 4,7/5 6805 votes
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Jungle Book Cartoon Full Movie

Jungle Book Cartoon Full Movie

Jungle Book Cartoon In Hindi

The jungle book cartoon full movie in urdu

Jungle Book was a great classic, certainly my favorite of all Disney animations. But Jungle Book 2 is certainly worth seeing for the next bunch of little guys who need that Disney fix.

Jungle Book Cartoon Full Movie In English

Trivia All the scenes featuring King Louie, Lowell, the orangutan playing King Louie, was shot on a soundstage in LA against blue screen due to certain restrictions with primates that didn't allowed the production to bring him on location in India. According to, he was the easiest animal to work with and the most entertaining. Lowell loved the attention he was getting from the crew so he started to urinate all over the blue screen which caused the whole crew to burst into laughter. Lowell then started to swat his urine everywhere which caused the laughter to grow louder. His crowning achievement was beginning to suck on his fingers, the laughter continued to grow louder. Quotes [ first lines]: [ narrating] Life is a spinning wheel, it has been said. With each spoke, a tale to be told.

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