Bahasa Melayu Dictionary
Definisi: +3 1. Performance; display; demonstration; spectacle; radio or television program; film, movie; exhibition; disclosure; pretense; appearance, impression; venture, undertaking +3 2.
Welcome to the world's largest and most popular free Modern Online English to Malay dictionary & Online Malay to English dictionary with spell check! This dictionary helps you to search quickly for Malay to English translation, English to Malay translation, or Numbers to Malay word conversion. Translation Dictionary Thesaurus. Free Online Dictionary. Bahasa Melayu. Bahasa Melayu. The Malay language spoken in Malaysia (synonym) Malaysian. Malay dictionary. World's largest English to Malay dictionary and Malay to English dictionary online & mobile with over 200,000 words. Kamus Melayu.
Bahasa Malay Dictionary
Exhibit, display; reveal, disclose; explain; prove, demonstrate; guide, instruct; present; appear, be seen +2 3. Armory Show +1 4. Artikel bahasa melayu.
Burlesque show +1 5. Game show +1 6. Anagram hows 8. Minstrel show 10. Show jumping 11.
Trade show 12. Wild West Show; 13. Someone round/around (something) (phrasal verb) (+ object +object; T) to go with (someone) to all, or the main, parts of (a place that they have not visited before) so that they can see what it is like or learn about it Let me know when you're coming to Cambridge and I'll show you around. I'll show you round the house after lunch. A guide showed us round the exhibition.