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AsiaNet Multinationals looking for simultaneous worldwide news coverage find AsiaNet a highly proficient way to achieve their goal. Boutique companies looking for specialised media distribution offshore come to AsiaNet for a ready-made solution. Governments, organisations, financial institutions, charitable bodies, market research firms.all use AsiaNet as a one-stop shop for pinpoint delivery of their messages. Irregular verb lists.
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The AsiaNet world network gathers and maintains mainstream newspapers and specialist publications, radio, TV lists for delivery via newswire, fax, email and the internet. A bonus with every release that passes through the AsiaNet system is a vast online exposure on scores of websites and databases. Stories are archived for background, education and contacts. Clients choose single or multiple countries appropriate to them, and the time they wish to distribute their news. They also select a category: It might be general news, high technology, business, health, travel, entertainment.all have specially targeted media points. A key part of the AsiaNet service is to provide media in many lands with a translated version of the client's original copy in a style acceptable for publication.